(only peer review journal in English)
2019年 42編
Okabayashi S, Yamazaki H, Yamamoto R, Anan K, Matsuoka K, Kobayashi T, Shinzaki S, Honzawa Y, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y, Watanabe N.
Certolizumab pegol for maintenance of remission in Crohn’s disease.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019;8:CD012893.
Yamazaki H, So R, Matsuoka K, Kobayashi T, Shinzaki S, Matsuura M, Okabayashi S, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y, Furukawa TA, Watanabe N.
Certolizumab pegol for induction of remission in Crohn's disease
Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2019; 8: CD012893.
Muroi D, Ohtera S, Kataoka Y, Banno M, Tsujimoto Y, Tsujimoto H, Higuchi T.
Obstacle avoidance training in individuals with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMJ Open 2019;9:e028873.
Fujii T, Belletti A, Carr A, Furukawa TA, Luethi N, Putzu A, Sartini C, Salanti G, Tsujimoto Y, Udy AA, Young PJ, Bellomo R
Vitamin C therapy for patients with sepsis or septic shock: a protocol for a systematic review and a network meta-analysis.
BMJ Open 2019;9:e033458.
Takahashi S, Ojima T, Kondo K, Shimizu S, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y
Social participation and the combination of future needs for long-term care and mortality among older Japanese people: A prospective cohort study from the Aichi Gerontological Evaluation Study (AGES).
BMJ Open 2019;9(11):e030500.
Fukuhara S, Kurita N, Wakita T, Green J, Shibagaki Y.
A scale for measuring Health-Related Hope: its development and psychometric testing.
Annals of Clinical Epidemiology. 2019;1(3):102-119
Omae K, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y, Tsutsumi Y, Yamamoto Y, Fukuara S, Furukawa TA.
Publication statuses of clinical trials supporting FDA-approved immune checkpoint inhibitors: A meta-epidemiological investigation.
BMC Cancer 2019;19(1):998.
Omae K, Yamamoto Y, Kurita N, Takeshima T, Naganuma T, Takahashi S, Ohnisshi T, Ito F, Yoshioka T, Fukuhara S.
Gait speed and overactive bladder in the healthy community-dwelling super elderly: The Sukagawa Study.
Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2019;38(8):2324-2332.
Banno M, Tsujimoto Y, Kataoka Y.
Studies registered in non-ClinicalTrials.gov accounted for an increasing proportion of protocol registrations in medical research.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2019;116:106-113.
Maruyama Y, Higuchi C, Io H, Wakabayashi K, Tsujimoto H, Tsujimoto Y, Yuasa H, Ryuzaki M, Ito Y, Nakamoto H.
Comparison of peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis as first renal replacement therapy in patients with end-stage renal disease and diabetes: a systematic review.
Renal Replacement Therapy 2019; 41: 521-531
Sakurada T, Ueda A, Komukai D, Uchiyama K, Tsujimoto Y, Yuasa H, Ryuzaki M, Ito Y, Tomo M, Nakamoto H.
Outcomes after peritoneal dialysis catheter placement by laparoscopic surgery versus open surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Renal Replacement Therapy 2019; 5: 37.
Yamazaki H, So R, Matsuoka K, Kobayashi T, Shinzaki S, Matsuura M, Okabayashi S, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y, Furukawa TA, Watanabe N.
Certolizumab pegol for induction of remission in Crohn’s disease.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2019, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD012893. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD012893.pub2.
Hara T, Kimachi M, Ikenoue T, Akizawa T, Fukuhara S, Yamamoto Y.
Intra-dialytic Hemoglobin Changes and Cardiovascular Events: A Cohort Study on Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns in Japan (J-DOPPS).
American Journal of Nephrology 2019;50(4):272-280
Yamazaki H, Matsuoka K, Fernandez J, Hibi T, Watanabe M, Hisamatsu T, Fukuhara S.
Ulcerative colitis outcomes research in Japan: protocol for an observational prospective cohort study of YOURS (YOu and Ulcerative colitis: Registry and Social network).
BMJ Open 2019;9(9):e030134.
Hayashi T, Nakamura T, Kimura Y, Yoshida M, Someya M, Kawakami H, Sakuhara Y, Katoh N, Takahashi K, Ambo Y, Miura K, Motoya M, Tanaka E, Murakawa K, Yamabuki T, Yamazaki H, Katanuma A, Hirano S.
Phase II study of neoadjuvant treatment of sequential S-1-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by systemic chemotherapy with gemcitabine for borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma (HOPS-BR 01).
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2019;105(3):606-617.
Tsujimoto Y, Tsutsumi Y, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto H, Yamamoto Y, Papola D, Guyatt GH, Fukuhara S, Furukawa TA.
Statistical significance did not affect time to publication in non-Cochrane systematic reviews: a meta-epidemiological study.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2019; 115: 25- 34
Deguchi H, Yamazaki H, Yamamoto Y, Fukuhara S.
Association between parental history of Helicobacter pylori treatment failure and treatment failure in the offspring.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2019; 34(12):2112-2117
Asada S, Yoshida K*, Fukuma S, Nomura T, Wada M, Onishi Y, Kurita N, Fukagawa M, Fukuhara S, Akizawa T(* equally contribute).
Effectiveness of Cinacalcet Treatment for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism on Hospitalization: Results from the MBD-5D Study.
PLoS ONE 2019 ;14(5):e0216399.
Tomlinson A, Efthimiou O, Boaden K, New E, Mather S, Salanti G, Imai H, Ogawa Y, Tajika A, Kishimoto S, Kikuchi S, Chevance A, Furukawa TA, Cipriani A
Side effect profile and comparative tolerability of 21 antidepressants in the acute treatment of major depression in adults: protocol for a network meta-analysis.
Evidence Based Mental Health. 2019;22:61-66
Miki S, Tsujimoto Y, Shimada H, Tsujimoto H, Yasuda H, Kataoka Y, Fujii T.
Non‐pharmacological interventions for preventing clotting of extracorporeal circuits during continuous renal replacement therapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD013330.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD013330.
Aoki T, Urushibara-Miyachi Y.
A qualitative study of socially isolated patients’ perceptions of primary care.
Journal of General and Family Medicine 2019;20(5):185-189.
Okada Y, Matsuyama T, Morita S, Ehara N, Miyamae N, Jo T, Sumida Y, Okada N, Watanabe M, Nozawa M, Tsuruoka A, Fujimoto Y, Okumura Y, Kitamura T, Yamamoto S, Iiduka R, Koike K.
The development and validation of a “5A” severity scale for predicting in-hospital mortality after accidental hypothermia from J-point registry data.
Journal of intensive care. 2019;7:27.
Kurita N, Wakita T, Kamitani T, Wada O, Mizuno K.
SARC-F validation and SARC-F+EBM derivation in musculoskeletal disease: the SPSS-OK study.
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2019;23(8):732-738.
Taito M, Taito S, Banno M, Fujiwara T, Okamura H, Tsujimoto H, Kataoka Y, Tsujimoto Y.
Voice rehabilitation for laryngeal cancer after radiotherapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 2019;276(6):1573-1583.
Iida H, Kurita N, Takahashi S, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki H, Omae K, Yajima N, Fukuma S, Hasegawa T, Fukuhara S, The Sukagawa Study Group.
Salt intake and body weight correlate with higher blood pressure in the very elderly population: The Sukagawa study.
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2019;21:942–949.
Kobayashi S, Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Fukuhara S., Kobayashi S on behalf of the Japan Stroke Data Bank.
Effect of edaravone on neurological symptoms in real-world patients with acute ischemic stroke: Japan Stroke Data Bank
Stroke 2019; 50(7):1805-1811.
Imai H, Takeshima N, Hayasaka Y, Yonemoto N, Ogaw Y, Tajika A, Fujita H, Kato T, Furukawa TA for the FLATT investigators.
The association between patients’ feedback comments and the depressive mood, satisfaction, homework conducted, and dropouts during self-guided smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2019;73(6):349-350.