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Ichiro Kawachi, MD, PhD

Professor of Social Epidemiology & Chair of the Department of Social & Behavioral Sciences Harvard School of Public Health.


Congratulations to Prof.

Fukuhara on the 10th anniversary of iHope International. Fukuhara is an innovator who thinks outside the box. His summer training program is an incubator for future leaders in the field of outcomes research. Fukuhara proved that even with a short (but intensive) program, it's possible to get dramatic results. Even with minimal funding and no official affiliation with an institution, he showed that a program that is dedicated to excellence and innovation can be a magnet for the best and brightest. The program showcases Fukuhara's qualities of "disruptive innovation" –the faculty and students in his program are forbidden to address each other by their formal titles (completely unusual in Japan!). The camp deliberately fosters an atmosphere of free exchange of ideas, mutual learning and lifelong networking. There is much to admire in this model; I hope the continued success of the program will inspire other leaders to follow his example.



iHope Internationalの創立10周年記念、おめでとうございます。